Temperature & Humidity

General Tools LRTH185DL1
Calibratable Datalogging Temperature and Humidity Meter, 32° to 122° F, 5 to 95% RH, Excel-formatted SD Card
$ 385.00
Extech RH490
Precision Hygro-Thermometer, 22 to 199°F, Humidity or GPP(g/kg) & Dual Display
$ 185.00
320 x 240 Thermal Imager (-22 to 1202°F) with Wi-Fi, Integrated Digital Camera, 640 x 480 SuperResolution Images, 42° x 30° FOV
$ 1,450.00
General Tools DTH3007SD
Calibratable Datalogging Temperature and Humidity Meter, 32° to 122° F, 5 to 95% RH, Excel-formatted SD Card
$ 165.00
General Tools IRT850K
50:1 Ultra-Wide-Range Infrared Thermometer, -76° to 2732° F, Adjustable Emissivity
$ 115.00
UEi DT304
Digital Logging Thermometer with Quad Thermocouple Input, Type J,K,T and E Probes
$ 205.00
Handheld Thermal Camera for Elevated Skin Temperature Screening, 24° Lens, 640 x 480 Pixels, 59° to 113°F
$ 11,930.00
240 x 180 Thermal Imager (-22 to 1202°F) with Wi-Fi, Integrated Digital Camera, 480 x 360 SuperResolution Images, 35° x 26° FOV
$ 1,100.00